ECCS - Pre-Congress Satellite - Crossing Borders in Martial Arts Development

9:00 - 10:00 Sports ID

Sports-ID offers a comprehensive and highly flexible membership, ID card and event management solution for sports federations. Special usage in Martial Arts: Medical data and injury tracking in order to be able to block fighters to do registrations to other events for a certain period in order to protect them.

10:00 - 11:00 Referee Training and Evaluation System

The RETES offers a customer related solution to improve and evaluate subjective decisions of Referees in Martial Arts, based on an e-learning platform. The aim of the system is to satisfy the requirements of Referees to enhance their performance.


11:00 - 12:00 Mobile Motion Advisor

The Mobile Motion Advisor (MMA) is a web based platform for activity monitoring and giving feedback via smartphone app directly to the athlete. The system was set up together with and is used in school classes. Moreover, it is suitable for high level athletic endurance training, for example in High Intensity Interval Training in Kickboxing.


ECSS Vienna 2016 Impressions

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